In the UK:


This project engages collectives that open psychoanalytic spaces to excluded or marginal individuals or groups. Free psychoanalytic clinics have rich political and clinical ‘lives’, but these often remain invisible. We ask how collectives of clinicians invested in the social mission of psychoanalysis innovate, by putting time, space, money, and suffering in new relations. We think through these new relations in terms of ‘mental health commons’ and ‘clinical ecologies’. 

The Red Clinic

We aim to develop truly accessible and sustainable provision of psychotherapy for the working-class and the oppressed in the broadest senses of the terms, attentive to the interrelations between axes of oppression, and transcending national borders.

In the United States:


Everyday Analysis produces a series of pamplets dealing with contemporary social and political issues and meets monthly to discuss them in The Stapleton Tavern, London. The project is interested in Marxist and Psychoanalytic approaches to politics, culture and economics which take a universalist perspective and refuse to align with prevailing identitarian discourses. 

Greene Clinic

The Greene Clinic is a sliding scale psychotherapy practice based in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Our team of psychologists, social workers, counselors, and psychiatrists provides high-quality mental health care, including individual therapy for adults and children, relationship therapy, group therapy, and psychological assessment.

In South America :

Radio Vilardevoz

Radio Vilardevoz comenzó a funcionar en noviembre de 1997 y fruto del esfuerzo colectivo sigue funcionando hasta la fecha. El mismo se sostiene sobre tres pilares fundamentales: La Participación, la Comunicación y la Salud mental.

O Instituto Nebulosa Marginal é um centro de ensino, estudos e pesquisa em ciências humanas e sociais, além de fomentar prática clínica psicanalítica, em consonância com outras áreas do saber. Temos como objetivo a pluralidade e o intercâmbio do pensamento científico com diversas áreas do pensamento científico, a saber: psicanálise, psicologia, história, literatura, pedagogia, sociologia, antropologia, neurociência, direitos humanos, estudos sobre negritude, gênero, sexualidade e cultura indígena.


Que se dedica a pensar as interfaces do sofrimento psíquico com as patologias do social, elaborando, a partir da escuta clínica, insumos para o enfrentamento à violência de Estado.
